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Booking Forms

To make the beginning of the appointment go a little quicker feel free to fill out the forms below!


If you have any trouble please contact me prior to the appointment. 

Consent + Medical Health History Form

This form means you agree/ consent for the tech you selected to do your lashes. You understand the risks and the rewards as well as what is expected of you as the client. 


It will tell the tech any and all previous issues you may have had with extensions as well as medications, habits and irritations so we can help you get a set that suits you! ONLY fill out if you are receiving a lash service.


This form only needs to be filled out once.


To access, click this sentence. 


Are You Under 18?

Any client who is under the age of 18 will need their guardian to fill out the second page of the waiver located in the confirmation email and on this page.


This is NECESSARY to continue with the appointment. I cannot and will not start the appointment if this isn't signed and you are under the age of 18.


If it is not filled out and the parent can't be accessed within the first 10 minutes of the appointment, it will count as a missed/ late appointment and we will need to reschedule with an additional deposit.

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